Wooden building with green sorroudings
breath think
Neituri resort Finland

Private. Exclusive. Boutique resort.

Tailored for creative work, board meetings & company workshops.

Grand opening summer 2025

Shot on vintage interior from the perspective of watcher Shot on vintage interior from the top

Up to 16 sleeping places

Each bedroom contains kingsize double bed, bathroom and private work office with view of Keitele lake.

Custom style in harmony with the surrounding nature, based of our region history and made by local artisans.

Awesome co-working spaces

Multi-function teamwork area with stunning lake view even for 50 participants. Private office space in every room with high speed internet.

Front entrance to resort with grass and road View on back of  the resort with lake and thin trees

Private sauna area next to the lake

Neituri is located in Finnish lake region and surrounded by crystal clear waters. Resort is in safe and comfortable environment, but you can access beautiful nature right from the Sauna's terrance.

Neituri resort is brand new, equipped with modern technology, powered by our own solar power station.

Four, rectangular-shaped stones

For investors

With increasing market demand for premium residences and luxury corporate retreats among today's challenges of hot summers, pollution, noise, and stress, we are confident that this residence presents a valuable and lucrative investment opportunity.

If you are interested to join us and invest in stable and sustainable high class tourism in Finnish lake region, or want to invest in to your own personal “Hiding place” please contact us.

Also if you want to bring your products or services visible for international audience via Neituri let's clarify our possibilities to co-operate!



Neiturin kanavan historia

Jyväskylän pohjoispuolisten järvien yhdistämistä kanavoinnilla suunniteltiin jo 1880-luvulla ja vuonna 1911 senaatin myöntämän määrärahan turvin aloitettiin tutkimukset Keitele-Konnevesi-Iisvesi -reitillä.

Päätöstä kanavien rakentamisesta hidasti vuonna 1914 puhjennut maailmansota.

Kanavien rakentamiseen päästiin lopulta vuonna 1918, kun edellisen vuoden lopulla senaatti oli myöntänyt työhön määrärahoja. Vuonna 1921 tehdyssä lopullisessa suunnitelmassa määrättiin kanavia suurennettavaksi alkuperäisistä mitoista.

Kanavien rakentamista hidasti määrärahojen niukkuus, mutta vuonna 1924 työt saivat uudelleen vauhtia. Neiturin kanava avattiin liikenteelle vuonna 1926.

Kanavan rakennukset

Samalla rakennettiin kanavan viereen tilavat asunnot kanavakasööreille ja asumukset muulle kanavahenkilökunnalle. Näissä rakennuksissa toimii nyt myös Neiturin Kievari.

Neiturin vallihaudat

Suomen ollessa vielä autonominen osa Venäjän keisarikuntaa, Venäjä päätti varautua Saksan mahdolliseen Suomen sisämaan kautta tapahtuvaan hyökkäykseen Pietaria vastaan.

Tämän takia 1916-17 Konneveden Neiturin kanavan molemmille puolille kaivettiin puolustusvallihautoja suojamaan strategisesti tärkeää kanavaa ja estämään mahdollisen vihollisen eteneminen.

Vaikka vallihautoja ei onneksi tarvinnut ottaa käyttöön, ne erottuvat edelleen maastosta yllättävän selvästi.

Steam locomotive with workers Höyryveturi Neiturin kanavan työmaalla. House by the channel with bridge in the foreground Neiturin kanavan rakennukset vuonna 1927 Ferry Yla Keitele full of people Neiturin kanava oli tärkeä liikenneväylä myös henkilöliikenteelle. Kuvassa Ylä-Keitele Neiturin kanavassa vuonna 1929

Events made to measure

Looking for a place to organise meeting unforgettable event for your customers, employees or partners? Our flexible offer will help you reach specific goals and match up your team expectations.

These are only a few examples. Feel free to contact us and tell about your needs and interests!

Team building workshops

Neituri is a perfect place for your company or your team to gather in a relaxed company retreat, work remotely and give space and time for you innovations to grow.

Networking meetings

Do you want to give unique and authentic experience for your customers, partners or colleagues? Neituri provides wide range of activities in Finnish lake region. You can still touch the nature and sense its beauty in all the season. In safe and comfortable environment, but really close to the nature.

Recreational events

Release from noise and crowd. Neituri is the perfect place to feel unforgettable moments together. Like exceptional possibilities for fishing, hiking, hunting, boating or just feeling the nature. Join to the guided fishing trip and cook the catch yourself with open fire with guidance of chef!

Family parties

Come with your friends or family to celebrate exclusive events or just gather together to relax and release from hectic life.

Activities unique for Neituri

Discover activities that you can not see anywhere else. Explore area around the estate and change a trip into adventure.

Sunset reflecting on the lake

Landscape trip

Take a boat trip to the beautiful National Park. On site you can hike through the hills located between the lakes.
Sunset reflecting on the lake

Hunting and fishing challenge

Step into the wild and test your skills in hunting or fishing! Whether you're pursuing moose, deer, perch, pike, salmon, or even wild duck, the great outdoors offers endless opportunities. After a successful adventure, join our chef to cook your catch into a delicious meal.
View on lake and nearby forest

Boat fishing

Experience the adventure of private boat fishing. Enjoy time spent on the lake in the middle of Finnish nature. Finally, taste your catch on delicious dinner prepared by our chef.
Cyan-to-white northern lights

Northern lights hunting

Feel the silence and beauty of "winter wonderland". Also Neituri has the perfect spot to see the Northern Lights that can inspire you in many ways.
Slightly frozen lake

Revival adventure

Try relaxing in Finnish sauna and immerse yourself in the frozen lake after skiing trip to remote islands. The revival feelings guaranteed.

Around Neituri

Grayish map with points and roads around Neituri
Neituri is located in next to channel connecting Keitele and Konnevesi lakes. It is close to Southern Konnevesi National park. Neituri is easy to access, only 70km from Jyväskylä Airport, but still close to the nature. Neituri is your convenient gate to the beauty of Finnish lake region.

Your release from noise